Link Home

The Link is the weekly service sheet, which contains details of forthcoming events and other announcements.  Recent issues of the Link are available by clicking on the links below. Earlier issues are available on the Archive pages (click the links shown to the right or the sub tabs under the Link Home tab above e.g. 2022 Archive).

The 10.30am service on Sunday mornings is also available online via Zoom. There are more details in the Link and on the main website.

JULY 2024

28th July 2024 – Link for Pentecost 10 (202kB)

21st July 2024 – Link for Pentecost 9 (598kB)

14th July 2024 – Link for Pentecost 8 (675kB)

7th July 2024 – Link for Pentecost 7 (152kB)

JUNE 2024

30th June 2024 – Link for Pentecost 6 (203kB)

23rd June 2024 – Link for Pentecost 5 (369kb)

16th June 2024 – Link for Pentecost 4 (217kB)

9th June 2024 – Link for Pentecost 3 (197kB)

2nd June 2024 – Link for Pentecost 2 (214kB)

MAY 2024

26th May 2024 – Link for Trinity Sunday (0.99MB)

19th May 2024 – Link for the Day of Pentecost (364kB)

12th May 2024 – Link for the Seventh Sunday of Easter (638kB)

5th May 2024 – Link for the Sixth Sunday of Easter (448kB)

APRIL 2024

28th April 2024 – Link for the Fifth Sunday of Easter (235kB)

21st April 2024 – Link for the Fourth Sunday of Easter (234kB)

14th April 2024 – Link for the Third Sunday of Easter (229kB)

7th April 2024 – Link for the Second Sunday of Easter (229kB)

MARCH 2024

31st March 2024 – Link for Easter Day (249kB)

24th March 2024 – Link for Palm Sunday (239kB)

17th March 2024 – Link for Passion Sunday (225kB)

10th March 2024 – Link for Mothering Sunday (204kB)

3rd March 2024 – Link for the Third Sunday of Lent (205kB)


25th February 2024 – Link for the Second Sunday of Lent (241kB)

18th February 2024 – Link for the First Sunday of Lent (240kB)

11th February 2024 – Link for the Sunday before Lent (221kB)

4th February 2024 – Link for Fifth Sunday after Epiphany (220kB)


28th January 2024 – Link for Fourth Sunday after Epiphany (224kB)

21st January 2024 – Link for Third Sunday after Epiphany (234kB)

14th January 2024 – Link for Second Sunday after Epiphany (204kB)

7th January 2024 – Link for First Sunday after Epiphany (204kB)


31st December 2023 – Link for First Sunday after Christmas (306kB)

24th December 2023 – Link for Fourth Sunday of Advent (Christmas Eve) (298kB)

17th December 2023 – Link for Third Sunday of Advent (274kB)

10th October 2023 – Link for Second Sunday of Advent (246kb)

3rd December 2023 – Link for Advent Sunday (243kB)


26th November 2023 – Link for Christ the King (283kB)

19th November 2023 – Link for Pentecost 25 (282kB)

12th November 2023 – Link for Remembrance Sunday (285kB)

5th November 2023 – Link for Pentecost 23 (257kB)


29th October 2023 – Link for Pentecost 22 (277kB)

22nd October 2023 – Link for Pentecost 21 (259kB)

15th October 2023 – Link for Pentecost 20 (220kB)

8th October 2023 – Link for Pentecost 19 (260kB)

1st October 2023 – Link for Pentecost 18 – Harvest (258kB)


24th September 2023 – Link for Pentecost 17 (235kB)

17th September 2023 – Link for Pentecost 16 (256kB)

10th September 2023 – Link for Pentecost 15 (215kB)

3rd September 2023 – Link for Pentecost 14 (217kB)


27th August 2023 – Link for Pentecost 13 (239kB)

20th August 2023 – Link for Pentecost 12 (239kB)

13th August 2023 – Link for Pentecost 11 (219kB)

6th August 2023 – Link for The Transfiguration of Our Lord (219kB)

JULY 2023

30th July 2023 – Link for Pentecost 9 (237kB)

23rd July 2023 – Link for Pentecost 8 (217kB)

16th July 2023 – Link for Pentecost 7 (214kB)

9th July 2023 – Link for Pentecost 6 (144kB)

2nd July 2023 – Link for Pentecost 5 (126kB)

JUNE 2023

25th June 2023 – Link for Pentecost 4 (130kB)

18th June 2023 – Link for Pentecost 3 (126kB)

11th June 2023 – Link for Pentecost 2 (149kB)

4th June 2023 – Link for Trinity Sunday (118kB)

MAY 2023

28th May 2023 – Link for Day of Pentecost (Whitsunday) (124kB)

21st May 2023 – Link for Seventh Sunday of Easter (Sunday after Ascension Day) (115kB)

14th May 2023 – Link for Sixth Sunday of Easter (149kB)

7th May 2023 – Link for Fifth Sunday of Easter (145kB)

APRIL 2023

30th April 2023 – Link for Fourth Sunday of Easter (115kB)

23rd April 2023 – Link for Third Sunday of Easter (112kB)

16th April 2023 – Link for Second Sunday of Easter (117kB)

9th April 2023 – Link for Easter Day (122kB)

2nd April 2023 – Link for Palm Sunday (126kB)

MARCH 2023

26th March 2023 – Link for Fifth Sunday of Lent (118kB)

19th March 2023 – Link for Mothering Sunday (Fourth in Lent) (121kB)

12th March 2023 – Link for Third Sunday in Lent (132kB)

5th March 2023 – Link for Second Sunday in Lent (124kB)


26th February 2023 – Link for First Sunday in Lent (129kB)

19th February 2023 – Link for Sunday before Lent (116kB)

12th February 2023 – Link for Sixth Sunday after Epiphany (115kB)

5th February 2023 – Link for Fifth Sunday after Epiphany (113kB)


29th January 2023 – Link for Fourth Sunday after Epiphany (113kB)

22nd January 2023 – Link for Third Sunday after Epiphany (115kB)

15th January 2023 – Link for Second Sunday after Epiphany (114kB)

8th January 2023 – Link for First Sunday after Epiphany (127kB)